gradle/booster 在编译器处理资源文件
SPI 全称 Service Provider Interface
,是 Java/Android 内置于标准库里的一个 服务发现
机制 ServiceLoader
// 1)准备接口及相关实现
package work.dalvik.binder.myapplication
interface ISimpleInterface {
val name: String
class SimplePlan: ISimpleInterface {
override val name: String
get() = "Plan"
class SimpleProject: ISimpleInterface {
override val name: String
get() = "Project"
class SimpleRobot: ISimpleInterface {
override val name: String
get() = "Robot"
// 2)在对应的文件里手动注册接口和实现
// 项目路径:app/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/work.dalvik.binder.myapplication.ISimpleInterface
// 打包后:/META-INF/services/work.dalvik.binder.myapplication.ISimpleInterface
// 3)运行时发现服务
val services = ServiceLoader.load(
for (service in services) {
Log.d("cyrus", "${} from ${}")
// 11:23:39.785 5764-5764 cyrus D Robot from class work.dalvik.binder.myapplication.SimpleRobot
// 11:23:39.785 5764-5764 cyrus D Project from class work.dalvik.binder.myapplication.SimpleProject
// 11:23:39.786 5764-5764 cyrus D Plan from class work.dalvik.binder.myapplication.SimplePlan
Google AutoService
简化 SPI 的使用:使用注解 @AutoService
替换手动的 SPI 配置文件管理
// 1)加入依赖
dependencies {
kapt ''
implementation ''
// 2)加上注解 @AutoService
package work.dalvik.binder.myapplication
interface ISimpleInterface {
val name: String
class SimplePlan: ISimpleInterface {
override val name: String
get() = "Plan"
class SimpleProject: ISimpleInterface {
override val name: String
get() = "Project"
class SimpleRobot: ISimpleInterface {
override val name: String
get() = "Robot"
// 3)不再需要手动增加/删除 SPI 配置文件里的内容
// 4)运行时发现服务
val services = ServiceLoader.load(
for (service in services) {
Log.d("cyrus", "${} from ${}")
// 11:34:01.747 6141-6141 cyrus D Plan from class work.dalvik.binder.myapplication.SimplePlan
// 11:34:01.748 6141-6141 cyrus D Project from class work.dalvik.binder.myapplication.SimpleProject
// 11:34:01.749 6141-6141 cyrus D Robot from class work.dalvik.binder.myapplication.SimpleRobot
引入 booster 框架
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "com.didiglobal.booster:booster-gradle-plugin:$booster_version"
// booster 是模块化的,每个功能 / 特性都是一个单独的依赖项,需要哪项特性把对应的依赖项加入进来即可
// booster-gradle-plugin 通过 SPI / AutoService 发现并执行这些服务
classpath "com.didiglobal.booster:booster-task-compression-cwebp:$booster_version"
classpath "com.didiglobal.booster:booster-transform-shared-preferences:$booster_version"
classpath "com.didiglobal.booster:booster-task-analyser:$booster_version"
// ...
apply plugin: 'com.didiglobal.booster'
webp 格式化
注册 cwebp gradle task
是 booster API,本模块入口 CwebpCompressionVariantProcessor
通过 AutoService 注册为它的一个实现,然后 booster-gradle-plugin 在运行时通过 ServiceLoader 发现并执行 cwebp 模块
实现类是 CwebpCompressOpaqueFlatImages
or CwebpCompressImages
(根据 aapt2 和 alpha 的支持情况四选一)
在这些 task 后执行
pre-build tasks
merge[XXX]Resources task
install cwebp executable
在这些 task 前执行
process[XXX]Resources tasks
bundle[XXX]Resources tasks
class CwebpCompressionVariantProcessor : VariantProcessor {
override fun process(variant: BaseVariant) { // 处理各种变体(构建任务)
val project = variant.project
val results = CompressionResults()
val ignores = project.findProperty(PROPERTY_IGNORES)?.toString()?.trim()?.split(',')?.map {
}?.toSet() ?: emptySet()
Cwebp.get(variant)?.newCompressionTaskCreator()?.createCompressionTask(variant, results, "resources", { (project.isAapt2Enabled) ::isFlatPngExceptRaw else ::isPngExceptRaw)
}, ignores, variant.mergeResourcesTaskProvider)?.configure {
it.doLast {
results.generateReport(variant, Build.ARTIFACT)
class SimpleCompressionTaskCreator(
private val tool: CompressionTool, /* Cwebp */
private val compressor: (Boolean) -> KClass<out CompressImages<out CompressionOptions>>
) : CompressionTaskCreator {
override fun createCompressionTask(
variant: BaseVariant,
results: CompressionResults,
name: String, // resources
supplier: () -> Collection<File>, // (project.isAapt2Enabled) ::isFlatPngExceptRaw else ::isPngExceptRaw)
ignores: Set<Wildcard>, // emptySet()
vararg deps: TaskProvider<out Task> // variant.mergeResourcesTaskProvider
): TaskProvider<out CompressImages<out CompressionOptions>> {
val project = variant.project
val aapt2 = project.isAapt2Enabled
val install = getCommandInstaller(variant)
// TaskContainer.register(String name, Class<T> type, Action<? super T> configurationAction)
// 往 project 注册了一个 cwebp task
// 名称是 compress[DemoRelease]ResourcesWith[CwebpCompressOpaqueFlatImages](显示在 Android Studio 的 Build 窗口里)
// 实现类是 CwebpCompressOpaqueFlatImages
return project.tasks.register(
// 配置 cwebp task 的依赖图,确定它的执行次序
) { task -> = BOOSTER
task.description = "Compress image resources by ${} for ${}"
task.dependsOn(variant.preBuildTaskProvider.get()) // 在所有的 pre-build tasks 之后执行
task.tool = tool
task.variant = variant
task.results = results
task.filter = if (ignores.isNotEmpty()) excludes(ignores) else MATCH_ALL_RESOURCES
task.images = lazy(supplier)::value
}.apply {
dependsOn(install) // 在安装 cwebp 可执行文件之后执行
deps.forEach { dependsOn(it) } // 在所有 merge[XXX]Resources task 之后执行
variant.processResTaskProvider?.dependsOn(this) // 在所有 process[XXX]Resources task 前执行
variant.bundleResourcesTaskProvider?.dependsOn(this) // 在所有 bundle[XXX]Resources task 前执行
// 注册一个 install cwebp task
// 名称是 install[DemoRelease]Cwebp
// 实现类是 CommandInstaller
private fun getCommandInstaller(variant: BaseVariant): TaskProvider<out Task> {
return variant.project.tasks.register(getInstallTaskName( { = BOOSTER
it.description = "Install ${} for ${}"
}.apply {
dependsOn(variant.mergeResourcesTaskProvider) // 在所有 merge[XXX]Resources task 之后执行
// cwebp 可执行文件每次构建只释放一次即可
private fun getCommandInstaller(project: Project): TaskProvider<out Task> {
val name = getInstallTaskName()
return try {
} catch (e: UnknownTaskException) {
} ?: project.tasks.register(name, { = BOOSTER
it.description = "Install ${}"
it.command = tool.command
private fun getInstallTaskName(variant: String = ""): String {
return "install${variant.capitalize()}${'.').capitalize()}"
// 根据是否支持 aapt2、是否支持 alpha 等情况有四种核心实现,这里选取支持 aapt2 和 alpha 的 CwebpCompressOpaqueFlatImages 为例
class Cwebp internal constructor(val supportAlpha: Boolean) : CompressionTool(CommandService.get(CWEBP)) {
override fun newCompressionTaskCreator() = SimpleCompressionTaskCreator(this) { aapt2 ->
when (aapt2) {
true -> when (supportAlpha) {
true -> CwebpCompressOpaqueFlatImages::class
else -> CwebpCompressFlatImages::class
else -> when (supportAlpha) {
true -> CwebpCompressOpaqueImages::class
else -> CwebpCompressImages::class
install cwebp executable task
cwebp 可执行文件被打包进 aar,然后在 gradle task 期间被释放到 build dir 使用
// 此 task 在上一章节的 getCommandInstaller 方法里被注册进去
open class CommandInstaller : DefaultTask() {
lateinit var command: Command
val location: File
get() = project.buildDir.file("bin",
fun install() {"Installing $command => $location")
this.command.location.openStream().buffered().use { input ->
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(input, location) // 将 cwebp 拷贝一份到 build dir
project.exec { // 然后给 cwebp 增加 executable 权限
it.commandLine = when {
OS.isLinux() || OS.isMac() -> listOf("chmod", "+x", location.canonicalPath)
OS.isWindows() -> listOf("cmd", "/c echo Y|cacls ${location.canonicalPath} /t /p everyone:f")
else -> TODO("Unsupported OS ${}")
open class Command(
val name: String, // 可执行文件的名称:cwebp or cwebp.exe(windows)
val location: URL // 可执行文件的相对位置(如上图):ClassLoader.getResource("bin/linux/x64 | bin/macosx/[10.1x] | windows/x64")
) : Serializable {
override fun equals(other: Any?) = when {
this === other -> true
other is Command -> name == && location == other.location
else -> false
open fun execute(vararg args: String) {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(arrayOf(location.file.let(::File).canonicalPath) + args).let { p ->
if (p.exitValue() != 0) {
throw IOException(p.stderr)
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return arrayOf(name, location).contentHashCode()
override fun toString() = "$name:$location"
cwebp task
- 第一步,找到数据源:resource merger 处理后且 aapt2 编译后的资源文件集合
// gradle api
Project.objects.fileCollection().from( // 创建一个空的文件集合,用以承载下面的文件
Component.artifacts.get( // Access to the variant's buildable artifacts for build customization.
InternalArtifactType.MERGED_RES)) // 它是一个目录,包含了所有 resource merger 处理后的模块资源文件,且经过 aapt2 编译
// booster 为了兼容各个版本的 gradle:v3.6、v4.2、v7.3 等等,抽象出一个统一的接口:AGPInterface
// 针对不同的 gradle 版本,实现可能不一样,这里是针对 gradle 7.3 的实现
internal object V73 : AGPInterface {
private val BaseVariant.component: ComponentImpl
get() ="component").apply {
isAccessible = true
}.get(this) as ComponentImpl
override val BaseVariant.project: Project
get() = {
javaClass.getDeclaredField("project").apply {
isAccessible = true
}.get(this) as Project
- 第二步,过滤出 *.png.flat 图片(只考虑 aapt2 的情况)
是经过 aapt2 compile 后的 png 格式图片资源
resources merger 将所有资源放至同一目录,并以资源限定符为前缀如 app\build\intermediates\res\merged\release\drawable-ldpi-v4_exo_icon_next.png.flat
开头的是 res/raw
目录下的资源文件,它们有资源 ID R.raw.[id]
但是不压缩,直接将原始数据包进 apk(Arbitrary files to save in their raw form),所以这里也要遵循规范排除这些 raw 资源
排除 nine patch 图片资源
fun isFlatPngExceptRaw(file: File) : Boolean = isFlatPng(file) && !"raw_")
fun isFlatPng(file: File): Boolean =".png.flat", true)
&& ( < 11 || ! - 11, ".9", 0, 2, true))
- 第三步,cwebp 转换图片格式
cwebp 可以将 PNG, JPEG, TIFF, WebP or raw Y’CbCr 转换为 webp 格式(flat ?)
cwebp -mt -quiet -q [quality] [*.png.flat] -o [*.webp]
- 第四步,将格式转换后的 webp 图片交给 aapt2 编译成 flat 格式:
aapt2 compile
// 继承关系
- CwebpCompressFlatImages
- AbstractCwebpCompressImages
- CompressImages<CompressionOptions>
- org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
internal abstract class CwebpCompressOpaqueFlatImages {
// 格式化后的 webp 文件的输出目录:
// build/intermediates/compressed_res_cwebp/release/demo/compressDemoReleaseResourcesWithCwebpCompressOpaqueFlatImages
val compressedRes: File
get() = variant.project.buildDir.file(FD_INTERMEDIATES).file("compressed_${FD_RES}_cwebp", variant.dirName,
val compressor: File
get() = project.tasks.withType( {
it.command == tool.command
fun run() {
this.options = CompressionOptions(project.getProperty(PROPERTY_OPTION_QUALITY, 80))
override fun compress(filter: (File) -> Boolean /* always true for CwebpCompressOpaqueFlatImages */) {
val cwebp = this.compressor.canonicalPath // cwebp 可执行文件的位置
val aapt2 = variant.buildTools.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.AAPT2)
val parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser()
val icons = { == SdkConstants.ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML
}.parallelStream().map { manifest ->
LauncherIconHandler().let {
parser.parse(manifest, it)
}.flatMap {
// Google Play only accept APK with PNG format launcher icon
val isNotLauncherIcon: (Pair<File, Aapt2Container.Metadata>) -> Boolean = { (input, metadata) ->
if (!icons.contains(metadata.resourceName)) true else false.also {
ignore(metadata.resourceName, input, File(metadata.sourcePath))
// images() == (project.isAapt2Enabled) ::isFlatPngExceptRaw else ::isPngExceptRaw)
// variant.mergedRes 是数据源
// if (project.isAapt2Enabled) ::isFlatPngExceptRaw else ::isPngExceptRaw 是主要的过滤器
images().parallelStream().map {
it to it.metadata
}.filter(this::includes).filter(isNotLauncherIcon).filter {
}.map {
// 指定输出文件:文件名不变,后缀改为 webp,放到输出目录
val output = compressedRes.file("${it.second.resourcePath.substringBeforeLast('.')}.webp")
// 先用 cwebp 转格式,再用 aapt2 compile 编译为 flat 格式,因为这些 png 资源文件之前是 flat 格式的
Aapt2ActionData(it.first, it.second, output,
listOf(cwebp, "-mt", "-quiet", "-q", options.quality.toString(), it.second.sourcePath, "-o", output.canonicalPath),
listOf(aapt2, "compile", "-o", it.first.parent, output.canonicalPath))
}.forEach {
it.output.parentFile.mkdirs() // 为目标文件创建必须的目录
val s0 = File(it.metadata.sourcePath).length()
// cwebp 进行格式转换
// Executes an external command.
// The given action configures a {@link org.gradle.process.ExecSpec}, which is used to launch the process.
// This method blocks until the process terminates, with its result being returned.
// Params:
// action – The action for configuring the execution.
// Returns:
// the result of the execution
// ExecResult Project.exec(Action<? super ExecSpec> action);
val rc = project.exec { spec ->
spec.isIgnoreExitValue = true
spec.commandLine = it.cmdline // build/bin/cwebp -mt -quiet -q 80 [src] -o [output]
when (rc.exitValue) {
0 -> { // webp 格式转换成功
val s1 = it.output.length()
if (s1 > s0) {
results.add(CompressionResult(it.input, s0, s0, File(it.metadata.sourcePath)))
} else {
// aapt2 编译
val rcAapt2 = project.exec { spec ->
spec.isIgnoreExitValue = true
spec.commandLine = it.aapt2
if (0 == rcAapt2.exitValue) {
results.add(CompressionResult(it.input, s0, s1, File(it.metadata.sourcePath)))
} else {
logger.error("${CSI_RED}Command `${it.aapt2.joinToString(" ")}` exited with non-zero value ${rc.exitValue}$CSI_RESET")
results.add(CompressionResult(it.input, s0, s0, File(it.metadata.sourcePath)))
else -> { // 格式转换失败
logger.error("${CSI_RED}Command `${it.cmdline.joinToString(" ")}` exited with non-zero value ${rc.exitValue}$CSI_RESET")
results.add(CompressionResult(it.input, s0, s0, File(it.metadata.sourcePath)))
aapt2 全称 Android Asset Packaging Tool,是一个专门处理资源文件的命令行工具,主要有以下功能:
- compile
输入原始的资源文件,输出编译后的中间产物(intermediate file):aapt2 compile path-to-input-files [options] -o output-directory/
1. `res/values` 目录下的 xml 文件,比如字符串 strings.xml、颜色 colors.xml、数组 arrays.xml 等,被 aapt2 编译为 `*.arsc.flat` 中间产物,最后被链接为一个单独的 `resources.arsc` 打进 apk,也就是说项目源码里会存在 `app/src/main/res/values` 目录但 apk 里是没有 `res/values` 目录的
2. 其余的 xml 文件被编译为紧凑的、二进制的 `*.flat` 中间产物,最后被链接打包进 apk
3. png 图片被压缩为 `*.png.flat` 中间产物(不是 png 格式的图片了),size 会因为压缩变小很多
4. 其余资源文件直接链接打包进 apk
文件是 aapt2 编译的产物,也叫做 aapt2 容器,由文件头(header)和资源项(entry)两大部分组成
Category | Size in bytes | Field Name | Description |
header | 4 | magic | AAPT2 容器文件标识:AAPT 或者 0x54504141 |
4 | version | AAPT2 容器版本 | |
4 | entry_count | 容器中包含的条目数量(一个 flat 文件可以包含多个资源项) | |
entry | 4 | entry_type | 资源类型,目前仅支持两种:RES_TABLE(0x00000000) 和 RES_FILE(0x00000001) |
8 | entry_length | 资源的长度 | |
entry_length | data | 资源内容 |
RES_FILE 类型的结构如下:
Size in bytes | Field | Description |
4 | header_size | header 的长度 |
8 | data_size | data 的长度 |
header_size | header | protobuf 序列化的 CompiledFile 结构,保存了文件名、文件路径、文件配置和文件类型等信息 |
x | header_padding | 0 - 3 个填充字节,用以 data 32 位对齐 |
data_size | data | 资源文件的内容:png、二进制的 XML 或者 protobuf 序列化的 XmlNode 结构 |
x | data_padding | 0 - 3 个填充字节,用以 data 32 位对齐 |
// RES_TABLE 是 protobuf 格式的 ResourceTable 结构
message ResourceTable {
// 字符串常量池是为了把资源文件中的 string 复用起来,从而减少体积,资源文件中对应的字符串会被替换为字符串池中的索引
StringPool source_pool = 1;
repeated Package package = 2; // 用来生成资源 ID
repeated Overlayable overlayable = 3; // 资源叠加层相关
repeated ToolFingerprint tool_fingerprint = 4; // 工具版本
// 资源 ID 的命名方式遵循 0xPPTTEEEE 的规则
// 1. [PP] 对应 PackageId,一般应用使用的资源为 0x7f
// 2. [TT] 对应的是资源类型(文件夹的名称)
// 3. [EEEE] 为资源的 id,从 0 开始
message Package {
PackageId package_id = 1; // 包 ID
string package_name = 2; // 包名
repeated Type type = 3; // 资源类型:string, layout, xml 等,其对应的资源 ID 区间为 [0x01, 0xff]
// 资源 ID 的包 ID 部分,在 [0x00, 0xff] 范围内
// 1. [0x02, 0x7f) 由系统使用
// 2. 0x7f 应用使用
// 3. (0x7f, 0xff] 预留Id
message PackageId {
uint32 id = 1;
- link
将编译阶段产生的中间产物(intermediate files)如资源表文件(resources.arsc)、二进制的 xml 文件、压缩后的 png 图片等,打包进一个单独的 apk 文件,此 apk 是不包含字节码文件 dex 的,也没有经过签名
aapt2 link -o output.apk
-I android_sdk/platforms/android_version/android.jar
compiled/res/drawable_Image.flat --manifest /path/to/AndroidManifest.xml -v
- dump
打印 apk 文件里资源相关信息如:清单文件(badging,被编译为二进制了)、用到的资源限定符(configurations)、字符串池(strings)、整个资源表(resources)等等
aapt2 dump [sub-command] filename.apk [options]
sub-command: apc, badging, configurations, overlayable, packagename, permissions, strings, styleparents, resources, xmlstrings, xmltree
- diff
找出两个 apk 文件间的差异
aapt2 diff first.apk second.apk
远程调试 gradle
这里分享一种较为简单的远程调试 gradle build script 的方法:
debug 模式开启 gradle build,注意 Windows 下要这么写:.\gradlew :app:assembleRelease '-Dorg.gradle.debug=true'
git clone booster & checkout version,用 Android Studio 打开 booster project,运行以下远程调试任务
一些 gradle 名词和概念
variant 指代构建的一个输出:apk or jar,它是 build type 和 product flavor 的组合,比如 demoDebug、productRelease 等等
* Public [Artifact] for Android Gradle plugin.
sealed class SingleArtifact<T : FileSystemLocation>(
kind: ArtifactKind<T>,
category: Category = Category.INTERMEDIATES,
private val fileName: String? = null
: Artifact.Single<T>(kind, category) {
override fun getFileSystemLocationName(): String {
return fileName ?: ""
* 存放 apk 的目录
* Directory where APK files will be located. Some builds can be optimized for testing when
* invoked from Android Studio. In such cases, the APKs are not suitable for deployment to
* Play Store.
object APK:
* 合并后的清单文件
* Merged manifest file that will be used in the APK, Bundle and InstantApp packages.
* This will only be available on modules applying one of the following plugins :
* For each module, unit test and android test variants will not have a manifest file
* available.
SingleArtifact<RegularFile>(FILE, Category.INTERMEDIATES, "AndroidManifest.xml"),
SingleArtifact<RegularFile>(FILE, Category.OUTPUTS, "mapping.txt") {
override fun getFolderName(): String = "mapping"
* The final Bundle ready for consumption at Play Store.
* This is only valid for the base module.
object BUNDLE:
SingleArtifact<RegularFile>(FILE, Category.OUTPUTS),
* The final AAR file as it would be published.
object AAR:
SingleArtifact<RegularFile>(FILE, Category.OUTPUTS),
* 存放资源的目录
* Assets that will be packaged in the resulting APK or Bundle.
* When used as an input, the content will be the merged assets.
* For the APK, the assets will be compressed before packaging.
* To add new folders to [ASSETS], you must use []
object ASSETS:
* A type of output generated by a task.
sealed class
InternalArtifactType<T : FileSystemLocation>(
kind: ArtifactKind<T>,
category: Category = Category.INTERMEDIATES,
private val folderName: String? = null,
val finalizingArtifact: List<Artifact<*>> = listOf(),
) : Artifact.Single<T>(kind, category) {
// --- classes ---
// Javac task output.
object JAVAC: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable
// --- Published classes ---
// Class-type task output for tasks that generate published classes.
// Packaged classes for library intermediate publishing
// This is for external usage. For usage inside a module use ALL_CLASSES
object RUNTIME_LIBRARY_CLASSES_JAR: InternalArtifactType<RegularFile>(FILE), Replaceable
* A directory containing runtime classes. NOTE: It may contain either class files only
* (preferred) or a single jar only, see {@link AndroidArtifacts.ClassesDirFormat}.
object RUNTIME_LIBRARY_CLASSES_DIR: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable
// Packaged library classes published only to compile configuration. This is to allow other
// projects to compile again classes that were not additionally processed e.g. classes with
// Jacoco instrumentation (b/109771903).
object COMPILE_LIBRARY_CLASSES_JAR: InternalArtifactType<RegularFile>(FILE), Replaceable
// Jar generated by the code shrinker
object SHRUNK_CLASSES: InternalArtifactType<RegularFile>(FILE), Replaceable
// Dex archive artifacts for project.
object PROJECT_DEX_ARCHIVE: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable
// Dex archive artifacts for sub projects.
object SUB_PROJECT_DEX_ARCHIVE: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable
// Dex archive artifacts for external (Maven) libraries.
object EXTERNAL_LIBS_DEX_ARCHIVE: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable
// Dex archive artifacts for external (Maven) libraries processed using aritfact transforms.
// --- android res ---
// generated res
object GENERATED_RES: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY, Category.GENERATED,), Replaceable
// output of the resource merger ready for aapt.
object MERGED_RES: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable
// output of the resource merger for unit tests and the resource shrinker.
object MERGED_NOT_COMPILED_RES: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable
// compiled resources (output of aapt)
object PROCESSED_RES: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable, ContainsMany
// Processed res after an AAPT2 optimize operation
object OPTIMIZED_PROCESSED_RES: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable, ContainsMany
// package resources for aar publishing.
object PACKAGED_RES: InternalArtifactType<Directory>(DIRECTORY), Replaceable
// ...
gradle 相关注解
* <p>Attached to a task type to indicate that task output caching should be enabled by default for tasks of this type.</p>
* <p>Only tasks that produce reproducible and relocatable output should be marked with {@code CacheableTask}.</p>
* <p>Caching for individual task instances can be enabled and disabled via {@link TaskOutputs#cacheIf(String, Spec)} or disabled via {@link TaskOutputs#doNotCacheIf(String, Spec)}.
* Using these APIs takes precedence over the presence (or absence) of {@code @CacheableTask}.</p>
* @see DisableCachingByDefault
* @since 3.0
public @interface CacheableTask {
* <p>Attached to a task property to indicate that the property specifies some input value for the task.</p>
* <p>This annotation should be attached to the getter method in Java or the property in Groovy.
* Annotations on setters or just the field in Java are ignored.</p>
* <p>This will cause the task to be considered out-of-date when the property has changed.
* This annotation cannot be used on a {@link} object. If you want to refer to the file path,
* independently of its contents, return a {@link java.lang.String String} instead which returns the absolute
* path.
* If, instead, you want to refer to the contents and path of a file or a directory, use
* {@link org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFile} or {@link org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory} respectively.
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface Input {
* <p>Marks a property as specifying an output file for a task.</p>
* <p>This annotation should be attached to the getter method in Java or the property in Groovy.
* Annotations on setters or just the field in Java are ignored.</p>
* <p>This will cause the task to be considered out-of-date when the file path or contents
* are different to when the task was last run.</p>
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface OutputFile {
* Marks a method as the action to run when the task is executed.
public @interface TaskAction {
* <p>Attached to a task property to indicate that the property is not to be taken into account for up-to-date checking.</p>
* <p>This annotation should be attached to the getter method in Java or the property in Groovy.
* Annotations on setters or just the field in Java are ignored.</p>
* <p>This will cause the task <em>not</em> to be considered out-of-date when the property has changed.</p>
* @since 3.0
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface Internal {
* The reason for ignoring this element.
String value() default "";
* <p>Marks a property as specifying an output directory for a task.</p>
* <p>This annotation should be attached to the getter method in Java or the property in Groovy.
* Annotations on setters or just the field in Java are ignored.</p>
* <p>This will cause the task to be considered out-of-date when the directory path or task
* output to that directory has been modified since the task was last run.</p>
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface OutputDirectory {