深入分析 Kotlin Coroutines 是如何实现的(二)

async / await

asyncawait 是一对较为现代的 API 用以实现 **结构化并发编程 (Structured Concurrency)**,如下面代码所示,虽然 runBlocking 底层是单个线程,但是 delay 操作是非阻塞的,这两个操作的结合模拟了多线程环境下的阻塞 IO

job1job2job3 三个任务并发执行,不需要编写任何线程同步代码如 Condition.awaitCondition.signalCountDownLatch 等即可获得任务结果并计算它们之和,从输出 measureTimeMillis: 961 可以确认三个任务是并发执行的,result: 2453 正确地输出了任务结果之和说明求和这一行代码是在三个任务都执行完毕并返回计算结果后执行的

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val values = (500L..1000L)

    val cost = measureTimeMillis {
        val job1 = async {
            val value = values.random()
            println("job1 delay: $value")

        val job2 = async {
            val value = values.random()
            println("job2 delay: $value")

        val job3 = async {
            val value = values.random()
            println("job3 delay: $value")

        println("result: ${job3.await() + job2.await() + job1.await()}")
    println("measureTimeMillis: $cost")

// output:
// job1 delay: 758
// job2 delay: 822
// job3 delay: 873
// result: 2453
// measureTimeMillis: 961

async 的实现可以看到它跟 上篇文章 介绍到的 launch 基本相同,那也就说 async 同样是创建协程/任务 -> 放入任务队列 -> 等待调度

跟踪 await 调用栈:DeferredCoroutine.await -> JobSupport.awaitInternal -> JobSupport.awaitSuspend -> CancellableContinuationImpl.getResult,在这里分为两条路:

  1. 如果协程已经执行完毕得到计算结果(比如在多线程环境下),计算结果存储在 CancellableContinuationImpl.statetrySuspend 返回 false,getResult 返回计算所得的结果
  2. 协程尚未完成,比如上面的例子,被 delay 中断执行而放入任务队列重新调度,trySuspend 返回 true,getResult 返回 COROUTINE_SUSPENDED
public fun <T> CoroutineScope.async(
    context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
    start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
): Deferred<T> {
    val newContext = newCoroutineContext(context)
    val coroutine = if (start.isLazy)
        LazyDeferredCoroutine(newContext, block) else
        DeferredCoroutine<T>(newContext, active = true)
    coroutine.start(start, coroutine, block)
    return coroutine

private open class DeferredCoroutine<T>(
    parentContext: CoroutineContext,
    active: Boolean
) : AbstractCoroutine<T>(parentContext, true, active = active), Deferred<T>, SelectClause1<T> {
    override suspend fun await(): T = awaitInternal() as T

public open class JobSupport constructor(active: Boolean) : Job, ChildJob, ParentJob, SelectClause0 {
    internal suspend fun awaitInternal(): Any? {
        // fast-path -- check state (avoid extra object creation)
        while (true) { // lock-free loop on state
            val state = this.state
            if (state !is Incomplete) {
                // already complete -- just return result
                if (state is CompletedExceptionally) { // Slow path to recover stacktrace
                return state.unboxState()

            if (startInternal(state) >= 0) break // break unless needs to retry
        return awaitSuspend() // slow-path

    private suspend fun awaitSuspend(): Any? = suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { uCont ->
         * Custom code here, so that parent coroutine that is using await
         * on its child deferred (async) coroutine would throw the exception that this child had
         * thrown and not a JobCancellationException.
        val cont = AwaitContinuation(uCont.intercepted(), this)
        // we are mimicking suspendCancellableCoroutine here and call initCancellability, too.

internal open class CancellableContinuationImpl<in T>(
    final override val delegate: Continuation<T>,
    resumeMode: Int
) : DispatchedTask<T>(resumeMode), CancellableContinuation<T>, CoroutineStackFrame {
    internal fun getResult(): Any? {
        val isReusable = isReusable()
        // trySuspend may fail either if 'block' has resumed/cancelled a continuation
        // or we got async cancellation from parent.
        if (trySuspend()) {
             * Invariant: parentHandle is `null` *only* for reusable continuations.
             * We were neither resumed nor cancelled, time to suspend.
             * But first we have to install parent cancellation handle (if we didn't yet),
             * so CC could be properly resumed on parent cancellation.
             * This read has benign data-race with write of 'NonDisposableHandle'
             * in 'detachChildIfNotReusable'.
            if (parentHandle == null) {
             * Release the continuation after installing the handle (if needed).
             * If we were successful, then do nothing, it's ok to reuse the instance now.
             * Otherwise, dispose the handle by ourselves.
            if (isReusable) {
            return COROUTINE_SUSPENDED
        // otherwise, onCompletionInternal was already invoked & invoked tryResume, and the result is in the state
        if (isReusable) {
            // release claimed reusable continuation for the future reuse
        val state = this.state
        if (state is CompletedExceptionally) throw recoverStackTrace(state.cause, this)
        // if the parent job was already cancelled, then throw the corresponding cancellation exception
        // otherwise, there is a race if suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont -> ... } does cont.resume(...)
        // before the block returns. This getResult would return a result as opposed to cancellation
        // exception that should have happened if the continuation is dispatched for execution later.
        if (resumeMode.isCancellableMode) {
            val job = context[Job]
            if (job != null && !job.isActive) {
                val cause = job.getCancellationException()
                cancelCompletedResult(state, cause)
                throw recoverStackTrace(cause, this)
        return getSuccessfulResult(state)

    override fun <T> getSuccessfulResult(state: Any?): T =
        when (state) {
            is CompletedContinuation -> state.result as T
            else -> state as T

await 的返回值会直接影响代码的执行流程,为了使反编译后的代码清晰点,我将上面的例子删除掉多余的代码如下:

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val values = (500L..1000L)

    val job1 = async {
        val value = values.random()
        println("job1 delay: $value")

    val job2 = async {
        val value = values.random()
        println("job2 delay: $value")

    val job3 = async {
        val value = values.random()
        println("job3 delay: $value")
    println("result: ${job3.await() + job2.await() + job1.await()}")

将其反编译(decompile by bytecode-viewer using CFR)可以看到:

  • 初始代码段 case 0 创建了三个异步协程然后执行其中一个 await
  • case 1case 2 分别对应其余的两个 awaitcase 3 对应求和操作
  • label 的赋值操作看,四个 case 必须从 0 执行到 3,不能跳级
  • 如果 await 返回计算结果则继续执行代码,进入下一个 case
  • 如果 await 返回 COROUTINE_SUSPENDED 则中断代码执行直接返回(case 不变)
static final class Example_basic_01Kt.main.1
extends SuspendLambda
implements Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {
    Object L$1;
    Object L$2;
    long J$0;
    int label;
    private /* synthetic */ Object L$0;

    Example_basic_01Kt.main.1(Continuation<? super Example_basic_01Kt.main.1> $completion) {

     * Unable to fully structure code
    public final Object invokeSuspend(@NotNull Object var1_1) {
        var13_2 = IntrinsicsKt.getCOROUTINE_SUSPENDED();
        switch (this.label) {
            case 0: {
                $this$runBlocking = (CoroutineScope)this.L$0;
                values = new LongRange(500L, 1000L);
                job1 = BuildersKt.async$default((CoroutineScope)$this$runBlocking, null, null, (Function2)((Function2)new /* Unavailable Anonymous Inner Class!! */), (int)3, null);
                job2 = BuildersKt.async$default((CoroutineScope)$this$runBlocking, null, null, (Function2)((Function2)new /* Unavailable Anonymous Inner Class!! */), (int)3, null);
                job3 = BuildersKt.async$default((CoroutineScope)$this$runBlocking, null, null, (Function2)((Function2)new /* Unavailable Anonymous Inner Class!! */), (int)3, null);
                var9_8 = "result: ";
                this.L$0 = job1;
                this.L$1 = job2;
                this.L$2 = var9_8;
                this.label = 1;
                v0 = job3.await((Continuation)this);
                if (v0 == var13_2) {
                    return var13_2;
                ** GOTO lbl25
            case 1: {
                var9_8 = (String)this.L$2;
                job2 = (Deferred)this.L$1;
                job1 = (Deferred)this.L$0;
                v0 = $result;
                // 2 sources

                var10_9 = v0;
                var10_10 = ((Number)var10_9).longValue();
                this.L$0 = job1;
                this.L$1 = var9_8;
                this.L$2 = null;
                this.J$0 = var10_10;
                this.label = 2;
                v1 = job2.await((Continuation)this);
                if (v1 == var13_2) {
                    return var13_2;
                ** GOTO lbl42
            case 2: {
                var10_10 = this.J$0;
                var9_8 = (String)this.L$1;
                job1 = (Deferred)this.L$0;
                v1 = $result;
                // 2 sources

                var12_11 = v1;
                this.L$0 = var9_8;
                this.L$1 = null;
                this.J$0 = var10_10 += ((Number)var12_11).longValue();
                this.label = 3;
                v2 = job1.await((Continuation)this);
                if (v2 == var13_2) {
                    return var13_2;
                ** GOTO lbl56
            case 3: {
                var10_10 = this.J$0;
                var9_8 = (String)this.L$0;
                v2 = $result;
                // 2 sources

                var12_11 = v2;
                var7_12 = Intrinsics.stringPlus((String)var9_8, (Object)Boxing.boxLong((long)(var10_10 + ((Number)var12_11).longValue())));
                var8_13 = false;
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");

    public final Continuation<Unit> create(@Nullable Object value, @NotNull Continuation<?> $completion) {
        Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> function2 = new /* invalid duplicate definition of identical inner class */;
        function2.L$0 = value;
        return (Continuation)function2;

    public final Object invoke(@NotNull CoroutineScope p1, @Nullable Continuation<? super Unit> p2) {
        return (this.create(p1, p2)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);

结合上面的内容,将 async / await 这对 API 的执行流程解释下:

  1. 三个 async 将会创建三个协程:job1job2job3 并放入任务队列进行调度,假设当前的 Dispatcher 是线程池那么三个协程将创建三个线程并发执行
  2. 假设在求和前 job1job3 执行完毕(计算结果作为 CompletedContinuation 存储在 CancellableContinuationImpl.state
  3. case 0job3.await 取得计算结果并进入 case 1job2.await 返回 COROUTINE_SUSPENDED 导致代码执行中断并返回,此时 label = 2
  4. 为啥不是 case 1 呢?不是得从 job2.await 获取计算结果吗?并不需要,下次 Example_basic_01Kt.main.1 被调度时 job2 的计算结果将会作为参数从 invokeSuspend 传入
  5. 进入 case 2job3.await 返回计算结果
  6. 进入 case 3,执行求和并打印出来

现在只剩下一个问题:await 返回 COROUTINE_SUSPENDED 导致流程中断后 Example_basic_01Kt.main.1 啥时候被再次调度?如下代码所示

  • uCont 实际上是 CoroutineStart.DEFAULT.invoke(block, receiver, completion) 参数里的 completion,也就是 Example_basic_01Kt.main.1 这个 Continuation
  • invokeOnCompletionasync 创建的任务添加了一个回调,当任务执行完毕时调用(返回非 COROUTINE_SUSPENDED 值)
  • ResumeAwaitOnCompletion 顾名思义就是恢复任务,重新调度被 await 中断的 Continuation
  • 在这里就是 Example_basic_01Kt.main.1 由于 job2 没有完成而被中断,当 job2 完成后重新将 Example_basic_01Kt.main.1 放入任务队列进行调度,并且将 job2 的计算结果作为参数
// DeferredCoroutine.await
// JobSupport.awaitInternal
private suspend fun awaitSuspend(): Any? = suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { uCont ->
     * Custom code here, so that parent coroutine that is using await
     * on its child deferred (async) coroutine would throw the exception that this child had
     * thrown and not a JobCancellationException.
    val cont = AwaitContinuation(uCont.intercepted(), this)
    // we are mimicking suspendCancellableCoroutine here and call initCancellability, too.

private class ResumeAwaitOnCompletion<T>(
    private val continuation: CancellableContinuationImpl<T>
) : JobNode() {
    override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) {
        val state = job.state
        assert { state !is Incomplete }
        if (state is CompletedExceptionally) {
            // Resume with with the corresponding exception to preserve it
        } else {
            // Resuming with value in a cancellable way (AwaitContinuation is configured for this mode).
            continuation.resume(state.unboxState() as T)

public enum class CoroutineStart {
    public operator fun <R, T> invoke(block: suspend R.() -> T, receiver: R, completion: Continuation<T>): Unit =
        when (this) {
            DEFAULT -> block.startCoroutineCancellable(receiver, completion)
            ATOMIC -> block.startCoroutine(receiver, completion)
            UNDISPATCHED -> block.startCoroutineUndispatched(receiver, completion)
            LAZY -> Unit // will start lazily

withContext - 线程切换

如下代码所示,使用 withContext 将执行线程从 main 切换至 worker,但不影响代码的执行顺序

fun main() = runBlocking {
    withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
        println("jumping to Dispatchers.IO, ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
    println("finish main func, ${Thread.currentThread().name}")

// output:
// jumping to Dispatchers.IO, DefaultDispatcher-worker-1
// finish main func, main

在了解了协程的本质是任务调度/线程调度,以及 delayasyncawait 等操作的实现逻辑后,我们很容易能猜测出 withContext 的逻辑:

  1. 添加成员属性 label 用以将代码分段:withContext 前的代码为片段 0,之后的代码为片段 1
  2. withContextrunBlocking 添加为 block 的 completion handler,并将 block 放入 Dispatchers.IO 的任务队列,返回 COROUTINE_SUSPENDED 中断 runBlocking 的执行
  3. withContext 得到调度,执行完毕后恢复 runBlocking 的执行

show me the code 看看是不是如上面说的那样,用 Bytecode Viewer 反编译得到如下代码,正如上面说的 main 代码块从线程切换为边界,切分为两个代码块,case 0 将被 withContext 的返回值中断,重新调度时进入 case 1

static final class Example_basic_01Kt.main.1
extends SuspendLambda
implements Function2<CoroutineScope, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {
    int label;

    Example_basic_01Kt.main.1(Continuation<? super Example_basic_01Kt.main.1> $completion) {

     * Unable to fully structure code
    public final Object invokeSuspend(@NotNull Object var1_1) {
        var4_2 = IntrinsicsKt.getCOROUTINE_SUSPENDED();
        switch (this.label) {
            case 0: {
                this.label = 1;
                v0 = BuildersKt.withContext((CoroutineContext)((CoroutineContext)Dispatchers.getIO()), (Function2)((Function2)new /* Unavailable Anonymous Inner Class!! */), (Continuation)((Continuation)this));
                if (v0 == var4_2) {
                    return var4_2;
                ** GOTO lbl13
            case 1: {
                v0 = $result;
                // 2 sources

                var2_3 = Intrinsics.stringPlus((String)"finish main func, ", (Object)Thread.currentThread().getName());
                var3_4 = false;
                return Unit.INSTANCE;
        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");

    public final Continuation<Unit> create(@Nullable Object value, @NotNull Continuation<?> $completion) {
        return (Continuation)new /* invalid duplicate definition of identical inner class */;

    public final Object invoke(@NotNull CoroutineScope p1, @Nullable Continuation<? super Unit> p2) {
        return (this.create(p1, p2)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);

withContextlaunchasync 差不多,将当前环境的和参数提供的 CoroutineContext 合并并用它作为 block context,当前 Continuation(也就是 runBlocking block) 作为 block 的 completion handler

withContext 将 block 包装为 DispatchedCoroutine,它没有执行过(Continuation.resumeWith)所以 DispatchedCoroutine.trySuspend 返回 true,导致 withContext 返回 COROUTINE_SUSPENDED 从而中断 main block 的执行,跟上面的猜想一致

public suspend fun <T> withContext(
    context: CoroutineContext,
    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
): T {
    contract {
        callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
    return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn sc@ { uCont ->
        // compute new context
        val oldContext = uCont.context
        val newContext = oldContext + context
        // always check for cancellation of new context
        // FAST PATH #1 -- new context is the same as the old one
        if (newContext === oldContext) {
            val coroutine = ScopeCoroutine(newContext, uCont)
            return@sc coroutine.startUndispatchedOrReturn(coroutine, block)
        // FAST PATH #2 -- the new dispatcher is the same as the old one (something else changed)
        // `equals` is used by design (see equals implementation is wrapper context like ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher)
        if (newContext[ContinuationInterceptor] == oldContext[ContinuationInterceptor]) {
            val coroutine = UndispatchedCoroutine(newContext, uCont)
            // There are changes in the context, so this thread needs to be updated
            withCoroutineContext(newContext, null) {
                return@sc coroutine.startUndispatchedOrReturn(coroutine, block)
        // SLOW PATH -- use new dispatcher
        val coroutine = DispatchedCoroutine(newContext, uCont)
        block.startCoroutineCancellable(coroutine, coroutine)

internal class DispatchedCoroutine<in T>(
    context: CoroutineContext,
    uCont: Continuation<T>
) : ScopeCoroutine<T>(context, uCont) {
    fun getResult(): Any? {
        if (trySuspend()) return COROUTINE_SUSPENDED
        // otherwise, onCompletionInternal was already invoked & invoked tryResume, and the result is in the state
        val state = this.state.unboxState()
        if (state is CompletedExceptionally) throw state.cause
        return state as T

internal class DispatchedCoroutine<in T>(
    context: CoroutineContext,
    uCont: Continuation<T>
) : ScopeCoroutine<T>(context, uCont) {
    // this is copy-and-paste of a decision state machine inside AbstractionContinuation
    // todo: we may some-how abstract it via inline class
    private val _decision = atomic(UNDECIDED)

    private fun trySuspend(): Boolean {
        _decision.loop { decision ->
            when (decision) {
                UNDECIDED -> if (this._decision.compareAndSet(UNDECIDED, SUSPENDED)) return true
                RESUMED -> return false
                else -> error("Already suspended")